History of Cloud Computing

    The origin of ideas related to cloud computing can actually be traced back to around the 1950s. In this time period, John McCarthy, a computer scientist from this era, came up with the “theory of time-sharing”. By “time-sharing” he was referring to an operating system that gives multiple users of a computer the... Continue Reading →

Applications of Cloud Computing

Most internet users aren't even aware of all the cloud computing services that they take advantage of on a daily basis. Online applications like Gmail, Flickr, Youtube, and Google Drive are just a few examples of the commonly used applications on the internet. Cloud computing is described as an "emerging architecture" by which data and applications... Continue Reading →

The Competition

Companies that are able to provide Cloud Computing do so by allowing companies and individuals to rent on demand processing power, storage, and software over the internet. While there are many companies that provide this service, in 2016 there are really only four major cloud vendors:  Amazon, Microsoft, Google and IBM. Amazon introduced its could... Continue Reading →

Introduction: Overview & Objective

In this introductory page we are going to answer some of the basic principles of cloud computing asking questions like what it does, how it works, why it was invented, and what is it useful for. This way you will have the idea of cloud computing down before you just into some other pages. What... Continue Reading →

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